
If you need any information, clarifications or questions, please contact us on our Contact page. Please don’t forget to leave a message or notes regarding your inquiry and provide your name contact information for us respond back.


Disclaimer of Bamboo Instruments


The information published on BambooInstruments.com came to be because of accumulated knowledge by our website writers. Some information’s are gathered based on experience and based on our personal opinions. Many of our information are also gathered through research.


We do the best of our ability to be clear, concise and understandable as possible. But confusions may happen, and we are not responsible for any misunderstanding or misinterpretation of our content.


We aim to provide our readers with the most accurate and true information to the best of our knowledge as we can. There are possibilities that the content and presented information is our website may contain mistakes, errors or out of date. If you are using information from our website, please use it at your own discretion.


The contents on our website are to be used for informational purpose and entertainment purpose only and should not be accepted as any kind of professional advice.


The writers on our website are not professional or expert on the field of bamboo, agriculture, science, history or music. If you require expert help, please seek for professionals for consultation and professional advice.


We have the right to change how we manage our website. Content of the website can be updated, deleted, or added at any time.


Affiliate Links


Bear in mind that some of the pages of BambooInstruments.com contains affiliate links. If you visit them and make a purchase, we earn a commission without any extra charge from you.


Keep in mind that any purchase is your own decision and we are not reliable for the product and services that is purchase. If you require some assistance, please contact the seller.
